
Half Japanese info archive

WHAT? This is an archive of information about lesser known American rock band Half Japanese. Contained here are/will be information about every HJ album, solo projects, clippings and cuttings of paraphernalia related to the band and its members, and maybe more.

WHO? Half Japanese are a band formed in 1980 by brothers David and Jad Fair. Their early sound was characterised by atonal shapeless guitar playing (oweing to the fact that neither brother knew how to play or even tune their often hand-assembled instruments) and shrieked lyrics about teenage romance, punk rock taken to its logical DIY extreme. As the 80s progressed and various other members joined/left, their sound evolved to incorporate more conventional elements of indie rock and twee pop, almost always underpinned by Jad's half-spoken words of love. The two brothers have collaborated with the likes of Daniel Johnston, Sonic Youth and Moe Tucker, and toured with Nirvana and Neutral Milk Hotel. 19 albums and still going strong!

WHY? Half Japanese are a truly singular and brilliant band, sometimes rageful and fierce, and sometimes unabashedly sentimental. However, many of my other favourite bands such as The Fall, They Might Be Giants, XTC, etc, have fansites/wikis/archives dedicated to them (respectively, The Annotated Fall, This Might Be a Wiki, and Chalkhills all do different but equally fantastic jobs). All of these sites have helped me better understand and appreciate these artists, and while I'm not sure this is the first HJ fan page, I want it to be the most comprehensive.

WHEN? This archive has been updated on and off since mid-2021

IN PROGRESS: Autobiographical notes and interviews from booklets, record sleeves, etc
IN PROGRESS: Fair brothers discography + where to find it all
COMING SOON: a beginner's guide to HJ

take me home
here's my music too lol